Content Warning

Greetings and Salutations.
Because my stories have bite, they can contain content that isn't suitable for work or children. Not a lot of truly graphic sex or violence, but there are some questionable or heated posts. F-bombs are not uncommon, so watch your footing.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Final e-winners, and BIG GIVEAWAY winners

This should have been up earlier, but I was too busy enjoying my long wedding weekend.  So sorry.

So, my final e-copy of stories with bite o,.,o goes to blogger HayleyK

Final e-copy of All Hallows Blood goes to Tweep Evelyn_in_ID.  You followed just before I actually drew, and since I wasn't keeping track of when anyone joined this weekend, you were in the drawing.  Yay!


Winners for autographed copies are...

...for stories with bite o,.,o........  Gorilla Bunny!

....for All Hallows Blood..........  jpapenfuss!

...for Fem-Fangs........              Phantom Paragrapher!

Email me, and I'll get you your copies.

RavenCorinnCarluk @